Insurance Photo - 2013Voter turnout on November 4th was its lowest since 1942.  Statistically speaking, you didn’t show up because “all politicians are alike and it won’t make a difference anyway.” You are so trifling sometimes.  In case you forgot — and clearly, you did — the only way to make a difference or any kind of change in this country of laws is to vote.

Kevin Hart’s label of a male bitch is a Mitch.  By not showing up, you voted to send a bunch of Mitches back to Congress and pay them a bunch of money to keep their feet on our necks — Mitch McConnell is the new majority leader of the Senate and John Boehner keeps his spot as the House majority leader.  You voted for business as usual.

Here is what you did when you didn’t show up at the polls on November 4th:

1.  You sanctioned “Stand Your Ground” Laws so your child might be shot and killed.

2.   You agreed that “global warming” does not exist and that big oil and coal can continue to pollute.  You will continue to subsidize oil spill clean up and the like.  Also, destabilizing the ground by fracking can continue to cause earthquakes in places where those kinds of disasters used to be unheard of.

3.    You sanctioned an increase on the interest attached to student loans.

4.    You agreed that it is perfectly fine to carry assault weapons anywhere you want to — whether it’s a schoolyard, your local McDonald’s, your corner convenience store … anywhere.

5.    You rubber stamped cutting social programs such as free/reduced lunch for our children.

6.    You agreed that there should be no minimum wage … employers can pay a dollar an hour if that is what they want to do.

7.    You sanctioned cutting funding to education, as if we need more people “dummying up” the environment.

8.     You agreed that voting rights can continue to be stripped away and gerrymandering/redistricting is just fine with you.

9.     You agreed that you should continue to pay higher taxes on the money you are struggling to live off of, while the Romneys, Kochs, Issas,  and Adelsons keep all of theirs.

10.    You rubber stamped cutting social security and veterans’ benefits.

The President told us in both his initial and re-election campaigns, “yes WE can.”  At no point did he say he could do it alone.  However, he got some big things done in spite of you and the many obstacles put forth by the do-nothing-Congress.  (By the way, look up the definition of Congress.)  Democratic politicians who distanced themselves from the President’s achievements got exactly what they deserved … and so will you.

Congratulations to all of you idiots who chose not to show up.  Thanks to you, we are all in for a rough ride the next few years.

That is all …